Saturday, February 21, 2009

Calming the Crazy

It has been a strange two weeks!

Starting this new business has caused some (a lot) of overwhelm which has spilled over into, guess where?



Suffice it to say I've been motivationally challenged these past couple of weeks and my eating habits have slid to less than stellar. Although by typical American diet standards Glenn and I do very well even when we get into a rut! I'm not worried. The climb out has begun, in fact we are almost out!

I am learning to manage myself in new and sometimes scary situations. I have to take baby steps in my marketing because otherwise I won't move forward. But it's so worth it to me! Thank God I have 2008 training and racing under my belt because I feel like although I've slipped in training consistency I have the power to get right back in there and rebound quickly! This is more evidence that I'm living the lifestyle not just training for a couple of races.

Woo Hoo!

Nevertheless, I called Coach in a panic a few days ago and asked her if we could reduce the training volume for a time certain. She suggested four weeks. That sounded good to me. Well not GOOD but good for the overall structure of my life at the moment. She said that reducing volume through March will be fine. Woo Hoo! I personally don't think I will lose much (if anything) athletically by doing this.

I will be ready for RAGE! Swimming volume is not being reduced, per my request. I've decided to swim once a week with Swim Las Vegas, do two workouts per week on my own (written by Kara and Paul, coaches of Swim Las Vegas) and drop BC Masters. I feel good about this decision.

Take today, for example, when I accidentally showed up at the WRONG POOL for SLV Masters! When I discovered that the workout was at a different pool across town I nearly blew a gasket. Paul got on the phone and that is when I discovered that, in addition to being a great swim coach, Paul has another very special talent.

The ability to Calm the Crazy.

I was this close to calling it a day and going home but Paul actually calmed the crazy. He listened when I told him that I check my email a billion times a day, he heard my frustration at potentially being late for practice (I HATE BEING LATE), told me how to get to the right pool, said I had plenty of time to get there AND said that he was going to make me work extra hard today! The way Paul was talking it was clear to me that not showing up was not an option.

So I showed up (on time, barely) and had a damn good workout! Seriously how far would any of us get without support? Not far at all!!

I am grateful for the support system I've built around training and racing. After all, it is going to be a long season. Everyone needs people to lean on!!!

So I'm looking forward to getting all of the workouts in next week and managing myself to create the business and life that I deserve. And I need to see if Tony is available tomorrow to do my brick with me. Wouldn't that be nice!! :-)


Calyx Meredith said...

I love the phrase "calming the crazy"! What a terrific job you've been doing balancing that new business with training and everything else. Hope you get to do your brick with Tony!

Unknown said...

Good job for "living the lifestyle" - that's huge actually. :-)

Wes said...

Paul was just showing you that sometimes, a hammer is the right tool for ANY job :-) Way to persevere!!!

ShirleyPerly said...

Glad you made it in time and had a good workout. I probably would have just been lazy and swam at whatever pool I showed up at since I have the workouts I'm supposed to do anyway.

Keep up the great life management!

The Stretch Doc said...

your doing great.. !!
hang in there .. and cant wait to see ya at Rage!!


Formulaic said...

That's a great phrase! I love it.

Ease up on yourself for a little while. Get your life in some sort of order and you'll be back to tackling the bike and run no problem.

But I love what you did. You are working your weakness.

A lot of people would have said, give me the bike instead, but you chose to stay with swim because that is what you need.

That's awesome! You'll come out of this faster, better, stronger all while reducing your stress!

I would say that you're maturing perfectly!