We got snow earlier this week. I mean real snow that fell (to the tune of 8" in some parts of the Las Vegas Valley) and stuck for a few days after.
We leave for Bimini, Bahamas, on Tuesday and return to Clean Green Boulder City on New Years Eve Day. Everything is lined up for us leaving: house/dog and cat sitter, bunny sitter (yes they are different), packing -- okay not the packing yet! This weekend for sure.
For this trip I am leaving the laptop at home. This is so NOT like me I like to have Internet access wherever I go but I've been spinning my wheels a bit as far as work goes and too much of my time has been spent on the computer doing non work things which makes me feel . . . UGH. Sigh. Lame. Etc.
So being burned out on the computer, I'm leaving it behind. Hell I won't need it! I'll be spending time deep sea fishing, lounging by the pool, running, swimming, spending time with Glenn's family, seeing Bobbi and Jerry who will also be there, renting bikes and riding around the island. . . oh yeah and sleeping!
Training has been going better. I ran another Nellis 5k in 29:29. YES that is 9:28 per mile! It was pretty chilly out -- somewhere in the 30s and about two thirds into the race I had to take my gloves off and wished I had worn one layer instead of two.
So lets look at my Nellis 5k times shall we?
28:32 (my 5k pr)
All of these times show under 10 minute miles. Nellis is a magical place. Either that or my run speed really is improving! I love these 5ks because they are so low key, fun and my age group is blessedly thin. My 29:29 time was good enough for 3rd place and I won a pedometer. WOO HOO! Oh and Coach keeps pointing out that I was not specifically trained for any of these races. I run them for fun with her blessing. FUN!
Coach and I have been talking about my goals for Season 2009 and have delved a bit more into why a run focus at the beginning of the season will not further my dreams of becoming a speed demon. Volume, efficiency, miles, focus and other things were discussed. I've been firing questions at Coach to better understand where we are going this season. This feels particularly important since I don't have a race on my 2009 schedule that packs the emotional punch of Silverman. Which feels different. Not bad, just different. Change is inevitable so why not embrace it. Plus you can't manufacture that kind of emotional pull. It's either there or it's not.
Anyway whenever I fire questions at Coach she fires back answers that are extremely clear and make total sense. Coach is awesome!
I am very, VERY excited about Season 2009 because I get to race with some awesomely cool bloggers: RBR (Rage), Mike (Battle at Midway and Utah Half) and the long list of folks doing B2B (Calyx, Donna, Sarah, Shirley, IM Able and I have left some out I know it apologies in advance), and Izaac (I don't know Izaac's 2009 schedule but I am ASSuming that he will do some of the local races. :-)
Anyway I will leave you with a photo that I took of our three fake Christmas trees in the yard.
Enjoy your trip!
Stef, have a FANTASTIC trip! Enjoy being unplugged, it'll all be here when you get back.
Have a WONDERFUL trip! I am off to Hawaii on Friday and I am debating leaving the computer at home as well. I have been all work, work, work lately and I need a break. So I completely understand!
Wow! That is real snow. I didn't now that Vegas got real snow!
I am so excited about Rage. I think we will have a blast! Have a great holiday break and talk to you when you get back!
Have a wonderful trip!! Glad yo hear you are leaving the computer behind - I may follow your example!
Happy holidays to you and Glenn and have a great trip!! A sunny, warn, tropical place sounds fantastic right about now.
Oh, and I think it is a necessary to leave the computers behind on vacations, otherwise we feel too connected and don't enjoy the time off as well :-)
Have a great trip!
We'll all be here when you get back.
Hope that you come back fully revitalized!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Stef!!
Have a great trip and a Merry Xmas.
Merry Christmas! Have a great trip
Nice job with those 5K times!
Merry Christmas!!
Oh, and enjoy your break!!
I hope you are having a great vacation!! Hurry back to blogland!
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