I woke up yesterday pretty grouchy, with a three hour ride on the schedule. Had made some plans with Izaac and Kelly but I woke up feeling like I wanted to change my route and ride around Boulder City before heading down The Big Hill. So I texted Izaac and then we talked for a bit – sorry for any miscommunication there guys! I hope you had good workouts despite me not meeting up with you. I'm sure you did.
After talking with Izaac I had some real motivation problems getting going.
Glenn left to go sailing solo – cause he loves to do that. If it wasn't windy he was planning to anchor the boat out and go for a swim.
I sat on my ass drinking coffee for about an hour feeling discouraged, unmotivated, and sorry for myself.
Then I decided F*CK IT!!!!
I set up the trainer! I was PISSED OFF about it (feeling like it was a cop out and that I should really be outside in the heat and on the hills), but I just couldn't face the heat and the hills. So at 9:30 I had qued up my first episode of Law and Order, Criminal Intent and was off and spinning.
Started the ride in a bad mood, ended it in a good mood. I had done it! Coach always writes specific bike workouts for me so I had the paper in hand and simulated some hills, practiced aero, and did a lot of spinning. OH and I nailed my nutrition. Since I was inside I paid extra attention to drinking every five minutes, practicing with my aero bottle and practiced eating and getting the calories in. I did a sweat test and did not lose any weight during the ride. And even though it was inside, I was sweating bullets!
I figured the temperature will be somewhat comparable to Silverman. We keep our house at 72 degrees during the summer months. If we're lucky on November 9th it will be low 70s and sunny with just a nice cool little breeze! LOL! Actually the weather could be anything that time of year but it most likely will NOT be high 90s and 100s.
I was supposed to meet Glenn at the marina for lunch but totally stood him up because I had started the ride so late and then turned my phone to "silent" so I would not be disturbed. I called him just as he was heading up the hill towards home. He got in the door, saw the bike on the trainer and I shrugged my shoulders and said "I did what I had to do." We both laughed.
Later on that evening we had a great dinner at a new seafood buffet with Jim and Andrea. So, overall I would call the weekend a success training wise definitely. Sometimes we do what we have to do to get things done and I was pleased that I came through for myself.
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