Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random Thoughts

I'm stealing the random thoughts idea from Cindy. Thanks Cindy!

My eating is going much better. It continues to challenge me daily to eat enough of the right foods but the payoff is enormous. It does seem that no matter how much or what I eat at night, I wake up hungry. Time to stop being annoyed by that and accept it I guess. Breakfast is my easiest meal. Plus I always wake up looking forward to COFFEE!

Yesterday's brick was started by one of my Stef personalities and finished by another. I really did not want to do this brick AT ALL. It was a 1:15 bike followed by a 30 minute run, with key points within each workout to push the pace. 20 minutes into the ride I found myself screaming in my head ONLY TWENTY MINUTES IN???? GOD! I'M CUTTING IT SHORT. Then another voice popped in and said, NO YOU'RE NOT. THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR SILVERMAN! These days everything is important for Silverman. About 30 minutes into the ride I decided to buckle down. The last half was great I was aero and somewhat speedy (for me)! Then the run was strong as well. I am REALLY enjoying running lately!

I have a race this weekend in fact – one more step toward Silverman! I'm doing the Olympic distance in the Las Vegas Triathlon (they will also have a sprint and a half iron race going at the same time).

This race is not a "worry about it" race, but a fun race. Of course I still have goals and I still want to do well. My two Olympic times thus far are 62 minutes apart! I did very well up in Midway and Rage was my first Olympic finish where I was just grateful to get through it and walked most of the run. SO my goals for this Sunday are:

Swim – 40 minutes or less (did 42:xx up in Midway);

Bike – 1:35 or less (did 2:10 on this course at Rage, 1:38 on the flat course at Midway). More important to me than the actual time is to bike free of fear on the down hills, handle the up hills in my usual strong fashion and remain aero as much as possible. Conquering those down hills will give me lots of free speed and my legs seem to be getting stronger by the day so the up hills are improving as well. I never ride aero on this course so this will be an excellent opportunity to practice for Silverman. If I start to get tired or lag mentally I will remind myself that this is not a 4 or 5 hour ride but less than two hours so I can DO IT. FAST! Plenty more long rides coming up but those are for another day and another post.

Run – 1:06 or less (did a 1:14 in Midway – I feel confident I can improve on this and do 11 minute miles on the run). I will need to push myself to do it. No question. This will be the hottest, hardest part of the race, and about half the run looks to be uphill. But I can do it. The challenge will be to push myself the whole way. I intend to walk briefly through the aid stations to get my Gatorade and water but that's IT.

The weather prediction is a high of 94 degrees on race day. Yuck! But I have been working out in the heat all summer so I should be able to handle it much better than I did at Rage. Wetsuits are optional but I'm going to wear mine because, again, it's all about practicing for Silverman. I want my transitions to be faster also and I'm sure they will be. Especially the 4:45 that I got in T1 in Midway! Although I am going to take the time to put my shirt on again. Can't afford to get my shoulders and back fried like I did at Rage.

My nutrition plan will be the same one I used at Rage. NO fuel belt on the run. Gosh that annoyed me last time. Lol!

In other news, Brinley got a haircut. She was just too matted to brush out anymore so Glenn cut her. She now looks like an overgrown Wheaten with Sheepdog coloring and markings! Glenn's mom used to breed and raise Wheatens so that is the only cut he knows. She looks very cute and her hair will grow out. As long as we renew our commitment to brushing it! Of course I don't have a picture right now but you can take my word for it that she's still cute. And I think she feels a whole lot better with the mats gone.

My training buddy Tony got me into Interbike on Monday. That was so awesome! I got to demo a bike (a cruiser it was so fun), and came away with lots of free loot and two pairs of biking gloves from Scott for $5 apiece! Then later we all went on a free zip line run and got free beer. So very cool!

Tony is going to be gone for part of October and won't be around for the 5 hour Silverman supported ride. How can this BE? Who will ride with me to keep me company and help me to brave the down hills?? How could Tony DO THIS TO ME?! Sniff sniff whine whine. Yes I have been spoiled by Tony. He is partially responsible for me getting faster and having more motivation. I hope he has a great vacation (not really – okay just kidding -- I really hope he does).

WHAT? Are you saying I won't have my own personal escort on race day??? Damn it! LOL.

Guess that's it for now. I'm excited for Wes, Danni and Kevin who are all racing the South Carolina Half this weekend! For Danni and Kevin it's their first half! Also, Izaac and Jen are racing the Half at the Las Vegas Tri this weekend! This will also be Izaac's first half! Can't wait to read about all these exciting races!

And congratulations to my COACH who crushed the field at Nutmegman last weekend! Woo Hoo!

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